Category Movie Reviews


BY ROBIN D FOX The sheer fact that this movie is obscure is nothing less than a crime.  One of the finest and most beautiful films ever made.  It’s simple, vague, kinetic, brilliant, and gorgeously lush with breathtaking emotional and visual flora and fauna.  It’s the perfect melding of two near-perfect minds and, in my […]


BY ROBIN D FOX Director Micheal Dowse and Writers Jay Baruchel and Evan Goldberg have combined forces and actually created a Rocky/Major League hybrid for The Hangover generation.  And it’s based on a true story. This movie kicks ass… literally.  The only thing more organic than the movie’s humor, is the violence.  This is like The Fighter -level violence: shocking, bloody, realistic, […]


WOW!  I loved this movie! Morten Tyldum helms a Norwegian stunner of a thriller that could find a comfy home wedged between your copies of Fargo and Die Hard.  It’s based on the novel by Jo Nesbo and the cast is superb. It starts innocuously enough, though it burns at a steady clip, as it races though the […]


BY ROBIN D FOX So, this arguably is the best film of 2010, also arguably the best film ever made about boxing.  It literally lives in the same realm as Raging Bull and Rocky, but actually delves deeper into the world of the professional sport, makes you feel and understand the dangers and politics that make that world […]


BY ROBIN D FOX First off, this 1955 noir classic is amazing; masterful and glorious.  Second off, this movie is completely bonkers.  Utterly bizarre, operatic, seemingly inconsistent, while simultaneously perfect.  The stylization of this movie is way over top, but in a brilliant, groundbreaking way. It begins as a weird twisted thriller, then becomes a […]


BY ROBIN D FOX This is a gem of a movie.  No denying; essential viewing: a classic.  But somehow it’s been shuffled away into a drawer.  Or at least it seems that way to me.  It’s as if everyone’s seen the poster or at least the DVD cover (it hasn’t ever gone out of print […]


BY ROBIN D FOX This film’s opening is one of the most trusting of its audience I’ve ever seen. It opens with the subdued, bi-spectacled face of Jack Nicholson.  Too close for comfort; filling a dark and indiscernible space.  Barely (though perfectly) lit, speaking to someone unseen (Lazlo Kovacs would set many trends lensing this […]


BY ROBIN D FOX Let’s put this into perspective a moment: Back in 1987 Wim Wenders created what is arguably one of the most moving films of all time.  It was an art film with a high concept and insane amounts of depth.  That movie was called Der Himmel uber Berlin, re-titled Wings of Desire stateside (which makes […]


BY ROBIN D FOX What can be said about Billy Wilder’s 1951 masterful Ace the Hole (aka The Human Interest Story or The Big Carnival, which was what it was called when I first saw it)?  Plenty. A flop in its day and nearly forgotten, Ace in the Hole is a total masterpiece; well before it’s time, which may account for its […]


BY ROBIN D FOX This little known 2011 French import from director Celine Sciamma is a revelation, as is its star Zoe Heran One of the most engaging and quiet movies I’ve ever seen.  My eyes were glued to the screen and my heart-rate was slowed for the films entire runtime.  This movie is visual […]